Hi, I’m David Lomman

Over the last 30 years,
it’s been my privilege to help thousands of men, women and children overcome physical, mental and emotional conditions which were keeping them stuck and in pain.
Conditions ranging from aches and pains to anxiety, depression and trauma have been relieved.
Helping my clients live a much better life.
Regaining your health is relatively simple.
Regaining your health is usually simple. Follow a series of steps to rebuild your body in the way of the original blueprint by stopping those things you are doing to harm your body and instead do things to restore your body to better health.
Again this is simple to explain however not as easy to do as it involves changes to what you are currently doing.
My skill as a practitioner of health is to help you work out what to stop doing and what to start doing more of.
Your body has an original blueprint. Just like a building when the right materials are not used, the results will not be as strong and sound as possible.
The cause is the problem.
The symptom or condition you are experiencing isn’t the problem. The cause is.
Are you ready to release the cause so you can restore yourself to better health?
If so, I am ready to assist you, to make your journey to better health easier.
For a no-obligation strategy call, click the link below and fill out and submit my Stress Evaluation Questionnaire. I will then contact you to organise a time for your free Call.
Proven steps
Most conditions are complex.
Because most conditions are complex and often have multiple causes I find the skills of Naturopathy and Hypnotherapy invaluable to help sort out the cause of each condition brought to me.
I believe we have in our bodies both the symptoms and the answers to our health conditions.
While it is easy to see the symptoms, the answers are usually more hidden and are often only to be found by asking the right questions.
Stress Evaluation Questionnaire.
By asking the right questions and with insight gained from your Case History and other forms I have developed such as my Stress Evaluation Questionnaire, together we can create your pathway to better health.
Wishing you every success on your journey to better health.